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Here you will find articles on practical business tips, travel tips, work-life balance and all things digital nomad!

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You might be among the many who fantasize about ditching the 9-to-5 for a life that blends work with travel and adventure. If you are, you might find the concept of a service-based business particularly enticing. This form of entrepreneurship provides a platform for individuals to monetize their skills while hopping from one destination to […]

April 17, 2024

Business, Podcasts

86. Why Service Based Businesses?

Service Based Business | Austin and Monica

Embarking on a career change can often feel akin to setting sail on a vast and unpredictable ocean. The complexities of such a transition can be overwhelming. But with the right guidance and a solid compass of personal values, the journey can lead to fulfillment and purpose. This concept forms the core of our latest […]

April 12, 2024

Business, Podcasts

84. Embracing Career Change and Personal Values with Life Coach Elvira

Career Change with Elvi | Austin and Monica

The “Five-Second Rule” is a remarkably simple yet powerful tool. It’s for those who often find themselves caught in the snare of indecision and procrastination. This episode of our podcast delves into this transformative technique. We’re sharing insights that resonate with entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and anyone seeking to enhance their action-taking capabilities. As the conversation […]

April 11, 2024

Business, Personal, Podcasts

82. Overcoming Fear and Procrastination with the Five-Second Rule

The Five-Second Rule from Mel Robbins | Austin and Monica

The allure of the digital nomad lifestyle continues to draw people in. In this episode, we provide an invaluable roadmap for anyone eager to merge their passions with the freedom of remote work. The conversation delves deep into the heart of digital nomadism. The world is rich with opportunities for those willing to embrace an […]

January 3, 2024

Business, Podcasts, travel

74. Unique Ways to Make Money Online as a Digital Nomad

Make Money Online as a Digital Nomad | Austin and Monica

Embarking on a digital nomad journey is an aspiration many harbor but few dare to actualize. Having gone on this journey ourselves, we’re here to share our story! We’ve transitioned from conventional paths and carved out a purpose-driven, nomadic business. This latest episode is a Savvy Talks interview with Kris Marie Dano. It offers a […]

January 3, 2024

Business, Podcasts, travel

73. From Virtual Assistance to Life Coaching | Savvy Talks Interview

Savvy Talks Interview | Austin and Monica

Our recent podcast episode is a riveting narrative of individuals who have successfully navigated the rough terrains of online business. They reveal a wealth of knowledge that could serve as a beacon for anyone daring to follow in their footsteps. This episode is a collection of business wisdom from online entrepreneurs across the internet! Nuggets […]

January 3, 2024

Business, Podcasts

72. Bite-sized Business Wisdom from Online Entrepreneurs

Profitable Nomad Couple | Austin and Monica

Books can be a treasure trove of wisdom, especially when it comes to personal and business growth. In this enlightening podcast episode, we share our favorite business and personal growth books! We explore a variety of transformative books that have significantly impacted our perspective on business, personal development, and the wealth mindset. These books provide […]

January 3, 2024

Business, Podcasts

71. Our Favorite Business and Personal Growth Books in 2023

Profitable Nomad Couple | Austin and Monica

The Profitable Nomad Couple, Austin and Monica, bring a fresh perspective to the online entrepreneurial space, specifically addressing the sales mindset. The duo is keen on revolutionizing how entrepreneurs view selling. It’s time to move away from the ‘pushy’ stereotype to a more positively impactful viewpoint. This approach aims to shift selling from being perceived […]

November 29, 2023

Business, Podcasts

69. Secrets to Successful Selling

secrets to online selling | Austin and Monica

In the world of digital entrepreneurship, there’s a common misconception often sold as the golden rule of success. It’s the idea of “build it and they will come.” In this episode, we debunk this myth and share our honest take on what it truly takes to build a thriving online business. One of the pitfalls […]

November 22, 2023

Business, Podcasts

68. Busting the “Build it and They Will Come” Myth

debunking the myth "build it and they will come"

In our latest podcast episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with Captain Jim Palmer. Jim is an entrepreneur who dared to trade his predictable lifestyle for an adventure-filled nomadic life. His inspiring journey is one of courage, risk-taking, and embracing the unknown. His story sheds light on the rewards and challenges of choosing to […]

November 1, 2023


65. From Solid Ground to Sailing the Sea | Interview with Jim Palmer

Captain Jim Palmer | Austin and Monica

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