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My blog is all about helping you understand your brain so you can create a life that feels amazing. Through insights from neuroscience, mindset shifts, and practical strategies, I’ll help you break through limiting beliefs, boost your well-being, and live with more confidence and clarity. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, build better habits, or just feel more aligned with who you truly are, you'll find tools here to support you on your journey.

Welcome to The Blog! 

Listen to the full episode HERE. Chris: This couple went from struggling as VAs, otherwise known as virtual assistants to building a web design agency in just a year and a half. And they’re telling you how they did it this week. Are you ready? Let’s go. What is up self-maders. Welcome to another episode […]

July 17, 2022


Self Made Web Designer with Chris Misterek

self made web designer | A&M Digital Design

If you’ve been in business for a little while, chances are you’ve heard talk about sales funnels. But what are sales funnels? And why might you need one for your business?  When I visited Ireland in 2014, one of the coolest things I saw was a shepherd guiding his sheep through a pastor with the […]

July 4, 2022


The 4 Essential Stages of Your Sales Funnel

When was the last time you stood waiting in line without pulling out your phone to scroll Facebook, or for me, swipe a quick PokeStop? Or, if you’re anything like me or Monica, when was the last time you sat on the toilet without scrolling through Instagram reels (and spanning your significant other with the […]

June 20, 2022

Web Design

5 Ways to Use Your Website to Stop Missing Out on Clients

5 ways to use your website to stop missing out on clients | A&M Digital Design

Listening to the horror stories about hiring a web designer is enough to make anyone uneasy. There’s that one your friend just told you about the designer she hired from Brazil. The fact that he barely spoke English should have been enough to scare her off, but she put her faith in a guy who […]

June 6, 2022


6 Things You Need to Know Before Hiring a Web Designer

6 things to know before hiring a web designer | A&M Digital Design

5 simple rules you should follow every time you are choosing which fonts to use for your design.

June 3, 2022


How to Pair Fonts in Ways that Just Work

How to pair fonts in a way that just works

Let’s cover one of the simplest yet surprisingly potent legal defences you can set up to protect you and your business: having a privacy policy! Last year Monica and I went on an overnight backpacking trip with some good friends of ours. For days we planned our hiking route, our camping spot, and the food […]

May 23, 2022


The Reason Every Small Business Needs a Privacy Policy

The Reason Every Small Business Needs a Privacy Policy

Recently Monica and I took part in a playful design competition where we both created websites for a fictional burger joint. We left the voting of whose was better up to our online audience! The prize? A 15-minute footrub from the loser.  This was such a fun experiment, and ultimately we both learned some very […]

May 9, 2022


5 Powerful Lessons From Our Design Competition

5 Powerful Lessons from our Design Competition | A&M Digital Design

If you had to sum up your business in a feeling, what would that feeling be?  Is it motivation? Happiness and fun? Playfulness? Perhaps you want people to think of loyalty, or confidence when they see or think of you and your brand.  Before we tell you what feelings we try to bring up with […]

April 25, 2022


3 Simple Steps to Consistently Say the Right Things to Your Customers

Austin and Monica sitting on a couch planning out website and brand strategy together

Like most women in America, I grew up watching all of Disney’s happily-ever-afters. I was fascinated by them; it was easy. Perfect girl meets perfect boy, and by the end of a 90-minute movie, they were off to begin their perfect life together.  These movies gave me high expectations for my future prince charming, so […]

April 5, 2022


The Key to Sucess in Life and Business

The Key to Success in Life and Business | A&M Digital Design

One of my pet peeves is when people ask me what kind of drink our business would be. What exactly does that tell you about a business? Not much. It can be interpreted a million different ways… That being said… What kind of drink would your business be… if you had to choose?  Our business, […]

March 14, 2022


How to Create a Personal Brand that Attracts Your Ideal Clients

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