My blog is all about helping you understand your brain so you can create a life that feels amazing. Through insights from neuroscience, mindset shifts, and practical strategies, I’ll help you break through limiting beliefs, boost your well-being, and live with more confidence and clarity. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, build better habits, or just feel more aligned with who you truly are, you'll find tools here to support you on your journey.
We LOVED this podcast episode on the Frugalpreneur podcast where we share how we started and run our business on a budget! Many entrepreneurs don’t have a ton of money when beginning. That was definitely the case with us, but we found some great ways to make it work, including using free software and opting […]
This is the 2nd part of our mastering your mindset episode, so make sure you go listen to part 1! Changing your mindset doesn’t happen all at once. It requires time and continual effort to change our brains. But it is possible. How?? Our biggest tip for you is to find and hold onto your […]
What is a mindset, and why is mastering your mindset so important? A mindset is a mental attitude that shapes your thoughts, actions, and responses. It’s important you spend time developing a mindset that will serve you, and not one you have to fight against. Among others, there are 3 general mindsets we like to […]
Working together in business with your partner can have its challenges… but there’s room for two! This week we talk about fitting both personalities of your relationship into your business. Because there are two of you, you can experience what’s known as the “edge effect”. Just like in ecology, where 2 ecosystems colliding create more […]
Most people say they want to be traveling more…. Someday.  Here’s the thing, that day will never come unless you make it come. Traveling is always going to be inconvenient. There will be no perfect time to take the leap and start your travels. One of my all-time favorite quotes is from George Bernard Shaw. […]
Loneliness is something that eventually catches up with all digital nomads. No matter how cool the new place you are in is, or how fabulous the food is, at some point all of us feel lonely. While unpleasant, loneliness isn’t all bad. It’s a symptom of how much you care. If you had no one […]
“You guys work together?! Isn’t that hard?” the question we’ve heard a million times when we tell people that we run a business together. We inwardly smile because we know exactly where this is headed. “Actually no, we love it!” we respond. “I could NEVER run a business with my partner! We’d kill each other.” […]
This episode is all about finding success as a digital nomad wherever you may find yourself. Digital nomads move a lot. That’s what makes us us. But acclimating to a new city and environment can be challenging. Listen in as we give some tactics on how to make the adjustment to your new space, and […]
Let’s talk about the differences between solo travel and traveling together as a couple. We were both introduced to the world of travel through our solo travels right after high school. Though solo travel affected us both in different ways, we both have been forever changed by our experiences. In this episode, we are going […]
There are a lot of ways to earn money online as a digital nomad! Two popular options include remote work and running your own business. We’ve experienced both, and in this podcast episode, we dive into the pros and cons of each of these options to help you decide if one of these could be […]